3 Tips to Start Your Spring Clean up
So the winter weather is coming to an end and you are starting to get your first few tastes of the spring air ahead.
HALLEJUAH! I have been waiting for spring for what feels like FOREVER!
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It is my favorite season along with summer. It’s when all the plants start to come back to life and bloom! And life is everywhere again. You got your trees starting to bud and your spring flowers started to pop up and some may even be blooming within the first couple days of warmer weather.
I have noticed that the crocus and snowdrop flowers are generally out and about before you can even blink.

Where to start!
I generally start out my season by walking around the property and taking mental notes on what needs to be done. This year I took my camera with me to caputer everything before any work is done. They will make great before and after pics later.
Along my walk, and this will depend on your type of driveway. I noticed that with having to plow the driveway during snowstorms, there is an abundance of stone and gravel in the grass and some flowerbeds. This may be your first steps to take care of before your grass starts to grow.

Once your grass is growing, it’ll make it more difficult to rake out the stone. And you definitely want to make sure that you remove the stone and gravel before you mow your yard. Catching the stone with the mower deck could send those stones flying and you could cause some MAJOR damage.
Clean Up Time!
Now the second thing I noticed along my walk, is the amount of leaves, tree debris, and overgrown weeds that didn’t get cut in the fall. That will be your second step at getting ready for spring.
Now, don’t get too overwhelmed! If you have a LOT that needs to be cleaned up, start out small. Do one thing at a time. Start with one flower bed or garden spot, then do the next and so on. You don’t need to do everything in one day!

Although that is always my goal. Haha. I have a hard time leaving something undone. And try to shove as much into one day as I can. My mental thinking is that you never know what tomorrow will bring and you may not end up getting back to it as soon as you would have liked.
Especially cause here in Pennsylvania we can have all 4 seasons in one week it seems. And I can end up falling behind.

Especially when it comes to April. You know that cute saying you always heard growing up, “April showers bring May flowers”. This is also another reason I do what I can when I can. Not much you can do when the rain just never ends.
Even when it does end sometimes things just don’t dry out the way you need it too. The grass may have grown some because of the rain and you don’t want to mow when its wet. You’ll leave tire marks in your grass which isn’t too pretty. Well, I mean, you totally can. But the OCD in me says no, please no.
Map it out!
As you are moving along in your cleanup time, you start to see the progress you’ve been making and it feels great! You can see some of the flowers are starting to pop through and you can see a rough draft of how your garden will look.
Your spring flowers should be up showing them self to the newfound warmth, but your other perennials should be starting their new year growth as well, such as your hostas, bee balms and sedums.

Now is the time to map out where you can put your annuals for your flower power, that “ooooohhh aaaaaahhhh” look. And make note of any flowers you’ll want to get from your local flower shop. A good spring flower to start with is the Pansy. ALWAYS a personal favorite of mine.

Indoor Herb Garden Starter Kit – (5 Variety)
Now’s the time to get all your decorations out of your storage to let them shine and spruce up your flower beds again!
How exciting!
All those gifts people give you and all the garden gnomes that creep everyone out! If they are looking dull you can paint them up again and give them some new shine before placing them out to endure blistering sun and heavy rainfall.

Don’t forget the Birds
This is a fun part of spring! All the birds that flew south for the winter have come back. I absolutely love seeing all the varieties of species. In our area we occasionally see Baltimore Oriels but not often. Its definitely a rare sight but one I look forward too. Don’t forget to hang out your bird feeders and suet blocks for your new feathered friends.
You can also hang out nesting materials for them birdies to use.
Keep in Mind
Something I have been doing, when you want to help fill up big spaces in your garden with flowers, but you don’t want to spend so much money to do it. Go to your local Walmart and check out their garden area periodically. I ALWAYS do a quick run through in there. They usually have a clearance section of the flowers that aren’t doing too well or are done with their bloom. They mark them down a good percentage, and it is so worth it!
I recently just picked up a bunch of mystery tulips. And I say mystery because they had no blooming flowers to them left. Literally just the leaves and stem. But they were also clearance down to only $1.67 some only 75 cents a pot and each pot had 4-5 plants in them. I mean…YES! Please!

I’ll definitely take that.
Don’t forget that gardening is supposed to be fun! Some surprise color pops will definitely keep things fun and new! Keep up that good work! And take it one step at a time! DONT OVERWHELM YOURSELF! I can’t stress that enough.

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