• Garden,  Helpful Tips

    10 Plants That Repel Pests

    We all know that once the warmer weather comes around….so do the pests. You know the pests I’m talking about. The mosquitos, the gnats, the Flies. BUT! Did you know that there are natural ways you can go about repelling these said pests? All you have to do is choose certain plants that repel! You could go the spray way with mosquito/ bug sprays or even candles and torches, or all of the above. Or you could go the all nat-ur-AL way and plant these awesome plants near your sitting areas outside to help deter these pesky bugs and critters. DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we…

  • Garden,  Herbs

    Uses for Mint Tea

    Mint tea is one of my personal favorites. The smell, the taste, I just can’t get enough of it! But the mint plant also has many medicinal uses! Mint tea is all natural Did you know that mint is a natural anti-inflammatory and is full of antioxidants and has antimicrobial properties?! Its also a natural relaxant and a natural decongestant! What doesn’t this plant have?! DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something at no extra cost to you. Please check out our Disclosure Policy for more details. For the Body Its great for your skin…