How to Attract Butterflies to Your Garden
Butterflies play an important role in our ecosystem because they are natural pollinators. Planting as many flowers as you can, as well as planting many varieties with different blooming times so that there are flowers all summer long is definitely helpful in keeping the butterflies around.
So! You love the idea of a garden full of flowers and full of all the different species of butterflies, but you’re not too sure on how to make it happen.
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Here are some tricks that can attract all those gorgeous fairy looking creatures to your garden.

Plant Flowers Butterflies Like
So which butterfly are you looking to attract? There are so many here in North America. Some of my personal favorites include the Monarch, Black Swallowtail and the Tiger Swallowtails. I don’t see too many monarchs here in Eastern Pennsylvania, so when I do see one, it feels extra special.
So here are some common flowers that will attract your beauties…

- Milkweed (very important-most likely where the butterflies will lay their eggs)
- Thistle
- Lavender
- Mint
- Cosmos
- Honeysuckle
- Redbud
- Aster
- Butterfly Bush
- Morning Glory
- Lantana
- Jewelweed

Bee’s Wrap Vegan Sandwich Wrap – Meadow Magic
Some of these are more what we call “weeds” here in my parts. Such as milkweed and thistle. We have it growing everywhere however they tend to grow in the patches of grass that don’t get mowed down.

Try a DIY Feeder
There are many feeders online that you can definitely give a go. I’m more of a “do-it-yourselfer” I take pride in making things myself.
So for a feeder all you have to do is find something flat. May it be an old dinner plate or maybe the bottom piece for a terra cotta pot. Instead of throwing away your fruit scraps(which I hope you don’t do anyway, you gotta stick those in your compost, silly)

Check out my post on How to Start Composting here!
Put your peels and what not on this plate and stick it out in the sun. Watch as those butterflies come swooning in. They LOVE to feed on rotting fruit.
I have also seen versions of feeders that involve a mason jar, and making your own nectar, I will definitely be trying this out come next season.
Try a DIY Butterfly Bath

A bath is more interesting. You’ll want a plate like dish but something that can hold a bit of water, so something with a lip on it.
Put some sand, water and some nice flat stones in it and be sure to place it in the sun. You can be as creative as you would like, you can even try those glass stones that the dollar store has for vases. That will certainly brighten things up a bit. Butterflies LOVE the sun and that’s usually the only time they will feed. So make sure all your goodies are in a nice sunny spot.
Learn how to make your own Butterfly Bath here!
There is also a kit that you can buy online, they will send you caterpillars and a net like cage so you can feed them and watch them grow and form chrysalis’ and become a beautiful butterfly. Not only does it help with the butterfly population, but its an excellent learning experience if you have little ones.

I remember doing this in my 3rd grade class, we watched Monarchs grow and recorded their progress then released them once they were ready. It was amazing and to have witnessed that so young, I think really steered me into the direction that I am in now.
Just remember to enjoy your garden! Enjoy your flowers and watch as nature comes to you!