Critters,  Homemade from the Garden,  Recipes,  Wildlife

How to Make Hummingbird Nectar

Everyone knows how much hummingbirds absolutely LOVE their nectar! There are a few options you have at helping feed the hummingbirds. Stores have premade nectar that you can purchase, or you can try making your own at home!

Here is how we make our own hummingbird nectar!

Mix Together

  • 1 part sugar
  • 4 parts water

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Boil the mixture til the sugar fully dissolves and then let cool completely. Put in feeders and enjoy.

In cooler weather change your nectar every 4-5 days. If it is hot out, every one to two days.

Be sure to clean feeder with every change to ensure things stay clean and your hummingbirds don’t get sick.


Note: Hang feeders out at least a week before the hummingbirds are due to come back to your area. Use red feeders and if your feeder doesn’t have red on it you can always tie a red ribbon near it. And be sure to plant lots of flowers!

Find out How to Attract Hummingbirds to your garden and what flowers they like here!

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Single mother of two from eastern Pennsylvania, USA. Working a full time job while enjoying all my favorite hobbies.