Garden,  Vegetables

How to Grow Lettuce

We grow lettuce every year, Its always something that is useful in our household. From salads and hamburgers to turkey sandwiches and hoagies, you name it. Its also extremely easy to grow and maintain!

Starting Lettuce from Seeds

Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Get your area nice and ready with your fertilized dirt! Be sure to be clear of any frost!

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We plant our lettuce in a homemade planter box that my dad made! Initially he made it for our strawberries, but we found out that it did much better for our smaller veggies, such as lettuce, radish and spinach.


After fertilizing your dirt, I use a trowel to make an inch deep line through the dirt in which the seeds will go into. For my planter box, I make two lines in each section. I will then sprinkle the seeds along these lines. Be sure not to make the seeds too heavy in any given area.

Follow the germination guide the individual seed packet states.

Watch it Grow

Now your lettuce will do all the work, its pretty maintaince free. Be sure to water frequently and have proper drainage, of course, much like any other plant.

You can also plant lettuce directly into pots and keep them by the house more for frequent use. They have a shallow root system, so they don’t need anything too deep. Just as long as it has proper drainage for the water to escape.


Maintain the Lettuce

As the lettuce grows, I will pick out any leaf that is discolored. Normally they are the leaves that are underneath all the rest. This will help keep the plant fresh and help it from waisting energy on lost causes.

You can also plant some companion plants with your lettuce to help keep some of those critters at bay! Marigolds are always a great choice and they add some color!

Time to Harvest

Once your lettuce has grown to full. You may now harvest your lettuce. You generally can get 2-4 harvest from each lettuce patch.

To harvest mine, I use a pair of scissors. You can most likely just pinch each piece off with your fingers, but with the amounts I grow, scissors is definitely faster! Cut the lettuce plant about an inch or two from the bottom of the plant.


Water afterwards and enjoy your salad!

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Single mother of two from eastern Pennsylvania, USA. Working a full time job while enjoying all my favorite hobbies.