DIY Bird Nesting Material Holder
Another great thing that Spring brings, aside from all the spring flowers, is all the babies! Soon you will hear the little chirps of baby birds in their nests, and you’ll be able to hear the momma and poppa birds yelling at you if you are standing too close to their nest while you are out and about working in your gardens!
There are a bunch of ways that you can make your little nesting material holders. Many of which are great for recycling!
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Nesting Materials (Natural)
- Dog Fur
- Straw
- Twigs
- Alpaca Wool
- Dead Leaves
- Grass
- COCO liner for baskets
- Human hair

Nesting Materials (Recycled)
- Yarn
- String
- Ribbon
- Shredded Paper

Do NOT Use These for Nesting Materials
- Dryer Lint
- Plastic or Nylon
- Fishing Line
- Anything potentially treated with chemicals such as grass clippings with chemical treated for bugs or weed killer. Heavily dyed paper. Or even dog or pet hair that has been treated for fleas.
Holder Ideas
- Whisk hung upside down
- Suet Cages
- Mesh Bags (from chocolate coins or glass stone decor)
- Grapevine Balls

Putting your nesting material holder together is fairly easy once you have all your materials gathered. Just open up your container, bag, or cage and shove all the goodies in! You can do multiples of mix materials or you can have one material per container.
Either way the birdies will appreciate your help!
For more DIY Projects, check out How to make a Butterfly Bath or DIY Garden Markers here!