Critters,  Garden,  Wildlife

How to attract Hummingbirds to your Garden

Hummingbirds are my moms absolute FAVORITE! She has hummingbird figurines all over the house and when it comes to planting flowers outside, Id say she caters to the hummingbird the most! And I don’t blame her, they are a GORGEOUS specimen!

So she knows a thing or two about How to attract hummingbirds to the garden! We always have a few that come by each year!

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Plant Flowers to Attract Hummingbirds

Of course flowers are an excellent way to attract hummingbirds to your garden! They especially like the color red so be sure to plant many flowers that are red in color such as salvia or even petunias.

Hummingbirds particularly like tubular flowers such as the trumpet vine or cardinal climber vines. Since they have long beaks and even longer tongues they have no problem getting to the sweet nectar in the flowers.

Check out this list of flowers to plant for the hummingbirds!

Hummingbird Feeders

To help attract hummingbirds to your garden you can also place hummingbird feeders around the area. You can find feeders in most garden stores, they come in many shapes and sizes.

Hummingbirds are also very territorial so you may want to have a couple of feeders on hand, as well as the variety of flowers so that there is plenty to go around for all of them.

Hummingbirds will appreciate the sweet nectar provided to them and they will keep coming back for more! Just be sure to keep it clean and fresh!

Check out on How to make your own hummingbird nectar!

Make sure your feeders are placed in good areas, and that there is a perch for the hummingbird to rest on with flowers for them to visit near.

Add a Mister for the Hummingbirds

After all hummingbirds need water and a bath too! We have a bird bath outside of the kitchen window that is nearest to the outside faucet. We have a mister that you can hook right up to the faucet. And it sits right on top of the bird bath and looks like a rock formation. I’m sure there are more varieties that you can purchase. It’s awesome to see the hummingbirds fly through it and get their bath on!

Add Red to Your Garden

We have already established that hummingbirds LOVE the color red. But the red doesn’t necessarily have to be just from the flowers that you plant.

You can tie red ribbons onto items/objects in the garden, such as on top of the nectar feeder to help draw them in. This is helpful especially if the feeder doesn’t have any red to it.

Add decorative art to the garden that is red in color. Or repaint some of your patio furniture red. OR even paint all your lawn gnomes to be wearing red hats and red shirts! Hummingbirds can’t smell very well, so they rely on their keen eyesight. Let the Gnomes lead them home!

Pollinator Garden Gift Set

Single mother of two from eastern Pennsylvania, USA. Working a full time job while enjoying all my favorite hobbies.