List of 13 Flowers for the Butterflies
So you’re looking to add flowers or bushes to your garden to help attract butterflies or even other helpful pollinators to the area. I have put together a list of flowers that will do just that!
Butterfly Bush
Did you know that the best time to trim your butterfly bush is in November, just before winter hits?! Not many do, you can trim them back to about 4 ft in height or you can trim them down completely. Butterflies absolutely love the scent that comes from the butterfly bush.
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Get yourself your very own butterfly bush here!
Hibiscus plants have many health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and treating head lice. It is rich in vitamin C and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
The sunflower (which is one of my favorite flowers) is one of the plants that are native to North America. It is considered an annual flower and can grow up to 12ft in some varieties.
Check out How to Grow Sunflowers in your Garden!

Also native to North America, the cone flower or Echinacea is used as a medicinal herb, this flower too has many nutritional properties, which makes them excellent flowers for butterflies. They love full sun and blooms about mid-summer.

Lantana is a member of the Verbena family and is a perennial used for ground cover in areas without frostings and annuals in areas more north. Has a sage-like scent and is actually poisonous if ingested.

Bee Balm Flowers for Butterflies
Bee Balms thrive with full sun and have been proven to aid females in regulating their menstrual cycles. This plant is a member of the mint family and also has health benefits like treating mouth sores.
Learn How to Attract Butterflies here!
Cosmos can be directly sowed into the ground after there is no more signs of frost. This self-seeding flower can grow from 18-60 inches tall in well-drained soil.

The sedum is a low maintenance plant within the succulent family. It can be planted as ground cover or be planted in pots. Prefers full sun and comes back every year.
Snapdragons have many varieties and colors to choose from. They bloom all summer long and can grow in full sun to part shade. This is one of many flowers for butterflies which prefer cooler temperatures so if they are in full sun they will need regular watering so they don’t dry out.

Lilac Bush
Butterflies are drawn to the Lilac Bush because of the powerful fragrance that they give off! Its intoxicating to them.
Milkweed is Excellent Flowers for Butterflies
Milkweed is especially great for the monarch butterflies. This plant is what they call a Host plant, and the monarchs will raise their young on milkweed plants.
Looking for other ways to help attract butterflies to your garden? Try making this DIY Butterfly Bath!

Marigolds have many varieties to choose from and make great companion plants to many other flowers and vegetables. They have a powerful scent to them that helps deter many pests that are known to be in the garden.

Thistle is a great source of pollen for many of the pollinators, which makes it an excellent flower for butterflies, but it also has great health benefits. It helps protect your liver and bones as well as helping prevent heart burn and lower high cholesterol.
Insect Lore Butterfly Mini Garden Gift Set with Live Cup of Caterpillars and Butterfly Life Cycle Stages