Flowers,  Garden

How to Grow Black Eyed Susan Vine

The Black Eyed Susan vine has got to be my favorite vine that we have grown in our garden thus far! Not only is it an absolutely gorgeous perennial! It is a great space filler, and offers many variations in color!

We planted yellow vines this year but after growing a few weeks, they seemed to have changed their color to this gorgeous orange/red. But I have seen bright yellows, bright oranges and a pale creamy yellow.

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They thrive on lattices and trellis or any other object that they can climb (they are a climbing plant after all). But also do well on the ground. But remember they will spread out pretty far.



First you need to scout out the proper location for these beauties! They absolutely thrive in full sun! Ours did absolutely wonderful this past summer!

One plant can fill up an open space easily! Be sure to have plenty of growing room, as they are a vine and can spurt out extra runners as they want! Ours is well over 8ft in height, following up on our lattices and is about 3 feet wide and is completely full.

Helping Your Black Eyed Susan Grow

Navigating your black eyed susan vine to grow in the direction you want is actually easier than you may think. Once you have planted your initial vine plant, you must wait for it to get runners.


Once the runners have started to take over, navigate them in and out of your lattice. CAREFULLY! I have broken many runners by accident from “forcing” them to bend. Try to get a feel for your plant, see how the runner will lay upon the lattice.

You can criss cross your runners to help get the fuller look quickly. But I generally keep mine in a straight line vertically, there will always be more runners later to help fill in the gaps.

Find some Black Eyed Susan Vine seeds on amazon here!

Black-Eyed Susan Vine Seeds

Growth Progress

Our Black Eyed Susan Vines took all summer to really grow and reach to the top of our roof, it had the occasional flowers on it but only really reached its best look towards the end of August. After planting it in late May.

Make sure to check periodically on your runners. If you are looking to have it grow up a lattice you will need to help your runners by weaving them in and out to get the desired look you want. However, just like the cucumber plant…it grows super fast.

Learn How to Grow Cucumbers on a Trellis here!

Terracotta Composting 50-Plant Garden Tower by Garden Tower Project

You look one day and your caught up, you have it all weaved in and lookin purrty, the next day your runners sprouted a foot long and are draping over all the other runners. Then you have to pain stakingly weave long pieces into the lattice which a lot of the times result in broken bits.

So be sure to check on its growth often!


Try a Container!

The Black Eyed Susan Vine can also be planted in containers! Either a hanging basket or a pot on the ground.

For them to do well in a container, be sure to have something for it to grow up or on. It is a vine after all. If no support is in place it will most definitely expand in any direction it chooses.

Pruning your vine back will help contain your beauty to its designated area. And be sure to keep soil from drying out.

Single mother of two from eastern Pennsylvania, USA. Working a full time job while enjoying all my favorite hobbies.