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List of 17 Flowers for Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds enjoy a variety of flowers, but especially bright nectar-filled and tubular flowers.

Plant these flowers around your garden for more of a chance to see these beauties fly through. You will also find most of these in our very own garden!

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Geraniums are a very popular flower that everyone seems to gravitate towards. They offer flowers all summer long and give bursts of color to your garden! You can even bring them in for the winter and keep them for more than just one season!

2.Bee Balm

Bee Balm are always a personal favorite! They are apart of the mint family and you can brew them in tea to reap some of their benefits.

Learn How to Grow your own mint!

3. Cardinal Climber

Cardinal Climber is a vine that produces many small tubular flowers which are great for the hummingbird to collect its nectar from!

4. Salvia

Hummingbirds LOVE the color red. Planting flowers that are red in color will help attract them to your garden!

Find out other ways that you can Attract Hummingbirds here!

5. Butterfly Bush

Butterfly Bushes are a very fragrant which helps attract butterflies and other pollinators. It is best to prune these bushes in the spring.

6. Trumpet vine

7. Impatiens

Find out how you can Attract butterflies to your garden here!

8. Clematis

9. Bleeding Heart

10. Petunia

11. Rhododendron

12. Lantana

13. Hibiscus

14. Zinnia

15. Daylily

16. Columbine

17. Coneflower

Children's Pollinator-Friendly Food Garden

Single mother of two from eastern Pennsylvania, USA. Working a full time job while enjoying all my favorite hobbies.